The sixth graders in Ms. Tagle's English class have finished up reading the novel, Maniac Magee. The novel provided many opportunities for students to explore and discuss the sixth grade themes of survival and self-awareness. With daily writing prompts, students practiced writing about the different perspectives of various themes and issues from Maniac Magee, such as: homelessness, racism, self-awareness through family and friends, runaways, and bullying. Students have been doing a wonderful job with these daily writing assignments. They have truly begun to hear their own voice and are striving to become better writers.
Maniac has also provided a wonderful template to examine the characteristics of a legend. Our final project will be to combine our knowledge of the genre and write an informative essay illustrating why Maniac is considered a legend.
Mingled within our novel study, we have continued to integrate our appreciation of the spoken word and poetry that reflect on similar themes of survival. Students have acted out and performed classic poems from W. B. Yeats and William Blake. We have also delved into some of Charles Dickens to begin to understand how the themes of survival transcend time.
To further develop the student’s oral language, they were given the opportunity to perform a poem for the class. The students were poised with a tremendous amount of confidence, demonstrating their commitment to the IB Learner Profile. They were truly, open-minded, caring, risk-takers and communicators. As students performed individually, we had a panel of peer judges who provided fair assessments of one and other. We hope to continue our appreciation of the genre and be prepared for the poetry slam in the spring.